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Welcome Back!

First Day School

Official First day – Tues Sept 3rd all students – 8:40am start time

  • Grade 7-8 will enter the building and head to the gym for their schedules and assembly
  • Grades 9-12 will enter the building collect their schedules from the front foyer and then head to the gym for the assembly
  • School assembly first 30 min of the day then head to regular classes for the day
  • School day ends at 3:30pm


Bell Schedule

  • Block 1 – 8:40-10:05
  • Block 2 – 10:15-12:05 (support block included in this)
  • Lunch – 12:05-12:35
  • Block 3 – 12:40-2
  • Block 4 – 2:10-3:30
  • FYI - Grades 7/8’s core classes will have two 40min classes within one block so they receive all 4 core classes each day
  • FYI - Grades 9-12 schedules show up as 8 periods with two periods for each Block


Support Block

  • Support block is part of Block 2 but what is different this year is junior high have support block at the beginning of block 2 for 30 min then Block 2 begins, while grades 10-12 have support block the last 30 min of Block 2
  • This change allows senior high students to utilize support block for extra help, practice or make up work and run into lunch time if extra time is needed but for those not needing support block that day can have an extended lunch hour


Off Campus Passes for Junior High Lunch

  • OHS will allow junior high students an off campus pass this year during lunch time (12:05-12:35). Meaning they will be allowed to leave the school during lunch time if they have a lunch pass 
  • The first two weeks of school will be a closed campus for junior high students where we discuss expectations and have parents sign a permission form
  • Students must also be in good standing with the school for behavior and school expectations to earn a pass (passes can be revoked any time in the year by parent or school)
  • Student passes will be a lanyard with student ID’s that they wear while off campus so they can be identified as students with permission to be off campus
  • More information will follow when permission forms are sent home end of first week


Open House – Tuesday Sept 17th 6-7pm

  • Casual night to wander the school and have your child introduce you to their teachers and see the school
  • This is not a parent teacher night for a meeting, if you feel you need to meet with a teacher to discuss your child please reach out to the teacher and set up a time


Grade 11-12 Europe Trip

  • Those interested in travel club please see attached PDF


OHS Newsletters

  • Every week the office sends out all relevant information for OHS so please look it over each week to know the happenings around the school


Cell Phone Policy

  • As you all are aware there has been a government directive for cell phone bans in school
  • Please see the attached PDF regarding OHS’s new cell phone policy 
  • We appreciate your support in this 

Staff timeline for parent/guardian response

  • Please be understanding that staff are asked to respond to emails and calls on a regular basis which sometimes are impossible to do on the same day due to the nature of the job 
  • A timely manner to expect responses is a 24-hour timeline window
  • If there is a more urgent or immediate matter, please call the office 


Option Class Changes

  • Students will be allowed to pick up an option form to fill out if they would like to request a different option
  • Students in grades 7-9 will pick up the option form from the office and fill it in with a parent signature and then return it to the office
  • Students in grades 10-12 will pick up the option form from Ms. Lori Isberg our Academic Advisor in room 162 and return it to her (parent signature required for core classes in senior high)
  • Please understand that not all options are offered at all times and when options are full they are full so we might not be able to accommodate all requests
  • Deadline to request a change in options is Sept 13 


Adults Entering the building

  • All adults entering the building during the school day must sign in at the office no exceptions
  • Student safety is vital and this policy helps us maintain that


  • There is no concession as of right now as the previous organization running it no longer wants to
  • We will be having conversations regarding this over the next month to figure things out and we will keep you in the loop when we know
  • So this is a reminder that junior high students will need a lunch sent with them the first few weeks until off campus passes are handed out   

We will have more information to share in the next few weeks, but we hoped this helped you get the year started. If there are further questions or wonders, please reach out to the school.


Kind Regards,

Your New Admin Team

James Holladay and Leanne Hellman


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